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Front-End Fee or Sales Load

- The Sales Load is a fee charged each time a customer makes an investment, whether initial or additional. The fee is charged as a percentage of the total investment of the customer and is deducted up-front.

- Philequity follows a tiered sales load structure that considers the total outstanding balance of the customer and his related accounts. Related accounts are all accounts in which the customer is named either individually or on a joint co-investor basis.

- The sales load is waived for clients who wish to shift investment from one fund to another (e.g. Philequity Fund to Philequity Peso Bond Fund). This exception is not applicable on reinvestment to the same fund.

Exit Fee

- The Exit Fees are applied on redemptions made before the prescribed standard holding period of the fund. The fee is designed  to encourage clientst to invest in the long-term.

- Exit fees also follow a tiered structure based  on the period of time the client has held the investment in the Fund.

- The applicable exit fee is deducted from the gross proceeds of the client's redemption.

- The exit fee is also waived for shift of investment from one fund to another, but not on reinvestment to the same fund.