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Attention: STOCKHOLDERS & INVESTORS!!! Philequity Money Market Fund, Inc. (PMMF) is now PHILEQUITY PESO BOND FUND, INC. (PPBF)

Philequity Money Market Fund, Inc. (PMMF) is now PHILEQUITY PESO BOND FUND, INC. (PPBF)
      The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has recently approved the change of name of Philequity Money Market Fund, Inc. (PMMF) to Philequity Peso Bond Fund, Inc. (PPBF).   This change in name was duly approved by stockholders owning at least two-thirds (2/3) of the capital stock of the fund during their Annual Stockholders’ Meeting in June last year.
      The change of name allows the fund manager, Philequity Management, Inc., to invest the fund in various debt securities issued by the Philippine government and local and foreign corporations with a view of achieving long-term capital appreciation.
      For more information on the fund, please click the following links:
PBBF Benefits to Investor
PPBF Investment Objective, Policies and Restrictions
PPBF Investment Procedure
PPBF Redemption Procedure