Investor Risk Profiling
What is your age?
20 – 35
36 - 50
51 - 65
> 65
What is your occupation?
Private Income
Of your total liquid assets, what percentage does the amount you plan on investing represent?
< 25%
25% - 50%
50% - 75%
> 75%
When you invest money, what is your primary goal?
Preserve the value of my investments. I want to minimize the risk of investments losing value.
Generate regular cash inflows. However, I would also like to build the value of my investments gradually over time, as a secondary objective.
Have the value of my investments grow over time. However, I would also like to generate some regular cash inflows, as a secondary objective.
Have the value of my investments grow substantially over time. I do not need to generate regular cash inflows.
When is the earliest you anticipate needing all or a substantial portion of your investment assets?
< 1 year
1 to 2 years
2 to 5 years
> 5 years
In the past, which of the following products or instruments have you invested in (select all)?
Time Deposits
Money Market funds
Peso government securities
Peso corporate bonds
Peso bond UITFs or mutual funds
Dollar government or corporate bonds
Dollar bond UITFs or mutual funds
Equity UITFs
With how much investment volatility (fluctuations in the value of your investment) are you comfortable?
As little as possible. I want to focus on current income and stability of value even if it means that my total returns are relatively small.
Some. I am willing to accept occasional losses in value as long as my investments have some potential for growth over time.
Moderate. I am willing to take moderate risk as long as my investments have a greater potential for growth over time.
A considerable amount. I am willing to take substantial risk in pursuit of higher total returns.
How large a drop in the value of your investment portfolio (unrealized or paper loss) would you be prepared to see before you start feeling very uncomfortable?
< 25%
25% to 50%
50% to 75%
> 75%